
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Shooting Day 3: Scene 1 and 3

Scene 1
On our next shooting day, we decided on completing our marketplace scene which was our opening sequence and to complete scene 4 which was the make-shift school one.
Scene 1 required an establishing shot which was to be a very effective one as it was to open the film to the audience. Hence we decided on taking a low angle shot of the skyline and then follow through downwards to establish the sequence. This was a tad bit difficult to handle as we had peopel coming from everywhere as it was to be shot from the very middle of the road and traffic at this time of the afternoon was a haphazard. However after takes and retakes, we finally had one good establishing shot that could open our film effectively. But wait! We had no battery left in the DSLR to support any other shots. Now, this was a major problem as the stalls we were to shot, might only be open till noon and not till late plus load shedding was a mess. no one knew if we'd have any light available at home or not. But fortunately,we did have electricity and withing one hour, we were back on our location so as to complete the shoot. We took shots of the juice seller, the vegetable seller, the bottle seller and the shoe mender. And managed it in due time. Me and Dua's brother assisted in crowd management while Dua underwent shooting. Our main constraint in this scene was crowd management as it was a busy marketplace and many people were attracted towards the limelight as they thought we were shooting a mainstream media product.

Capturing the sky line


Managing traffic

The crowd
Scene 3
While shooting scene 3, we were able to complete the shoot smoothly and withing 15 minutes as it didn't consist of any camera angles, shots or movements. However, the first problem we faced was the refusal of the teacher to be shot in camera. For this, we required an immediate teacher who could substitute so we consulted the academy owner for help and he provided us with a teacher of just the same nature. Then was the trouble of directing the students on how they were to take turns, answering the teacher and responding to her with the right body language and confidence. Once this was done, we had everything ready. As it was a daylight shot, the effect of a make-shift institute was easily created. And our shoot went perfectly well.

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