
Sunday 3 March 2013

Shooting Day 5: Leftover Shots

Today we decided on completing our shoot finally. All we had to do was reshoot the Jamal shot which we had done wrong and complete the Hammad's flashback shots. So we firstly did the flashback shots whereby one was to be done in Dua's lawn while the second one was to be shot on a road. Flashback 1 required directions to  Hammad's on-screen father in terms of body language and Flashback 2  was to include a 180 degree rule which required a series of over the shoulder shots to get the right continuity in the scene. We managed both of these shots as I helped in directing Hammad and his father while Dua shot and in instructing Dua on the right image positioning so as to be considered a 180 degree rule.


When we moved on to Jamal's scene we faced a major obstacle which dealt with the broken table that could no longer be used as its top had eroded owing to heavy rainfall. We used an Art board to overcome this, however the art board required fixing if Jamal was to stand up from it to prevent it from falling down. For this, I supported the table with my head so as to prevent it from falling while Dua was on the camera. 

Supporting the table
Dua on the camera

Dua on the camera

With the cast and crew

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